Place: El Club
10:00 - 11:00 Surprise dance rehearsal
11:00 - 12:00 Waltz rehearsal
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch (don't eat too much)
12:30 - 02:30 Hair, Make up and get in Surprise dance clothing
02:30 - 03:00 Surprise dance attire photography and meeting with the jury
03:00 - 06:00 THE PAGEANT
06:00 - 06:30 Celebration and room fixing
07:30 - 10:00 Flash-LA queen and princesses celebration (Place: TBA)
MC: Tracey Aragon
Instructora de baile sorpresa: Stephany Torijano
Coreografo: Mauro Dominguez
01. MC greets the public and the special guests
02. Video Presentation of the princesses
03. Surprise dance (after the surprise dance princesses will go to change into gowns)
04. MC greets special guests and introduces the jury
05. Slide Show of the princesses
06. Presentation of Jazmin Zelaya
07. Photoshoot with night gown (On Stage)
08. MC introduces the chambelanes
09. Waltz Competition
10. Group photo with chambelanes (On Stage)
11. Each princess will say a toast (family is allowed to be with the princess during the toast)
12. After each toast a family photo will be taken
13. Each princess will pick a judge at random and the judge will ask a question
14. Jury will retire to meet
15. Special awards will be given
********* Miss Congeniality (selected by the princesses)
********* Miss Photogenic (selected by a beauty panel)
********* Teacher's Award (selected by each teacher)
********* Miss Elegance (selected by an independent panel)
********* Best video introduction (selected by the jury)
********* Best dancing surprise (selected by the jury)
********* Best dancing the waltz (selected by the jury)
********* Best toast (selected by the jury)
********* Miss Videogenic (Selected by Flash-L:A)
16. Jazmin Zelaya will do her final runway
17. Special song for princesses
19. Second princess will be called and crowned on stage by a special guest
20. First princess will be called and crowned on stage by a special guest
21 The Queen will be called and crowned on stage by Jazmin Zelaya
22. Queen will walk the runway and will cut the cake with her parents and all the princesses (a speech is encouraged)
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